Sunday, 3 January 2016

Celeb Style Break Down

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! I hope everyone has had a great start to the new year and had a fun NY night.

I wanted to start off a new post style by decoding celebrities styles and telling you guys where you can find similar or exact pieces of their outfit. To start off I'll be talking about Shay Mitchell..... and yes I'am a huge 'Pretty Little Liars' fan, yes I'm so excited about the new  season coming out and know I soooo have not been watching some seasons for the 5th time from anticipation....

Shay is like a flawless creature she is so beautiful and has an amazing  sense of style in my opinion.  Her Instagram its self represents it bye the us of bright colours and high contrast.

When you look at the majority of her outfits they have quite a boho style.  The characteristics to what I'm stating are bright colours, daring cuts, unique patterns, full length dresses, baggy jumpsuits, layered accessories, hats and reflective glasses. If you style your outfits like this then your mostlikly going to get similar outfits to hers.

She does however have a second style which is more modern and edgy. This being more worn for night events and red carpets. Her colour scheme being more black, white and grey with the occasional block of a bold colour and intricate patterns.

Now you're probably thinks " Celest that's great but where can I get this shiz?!?!" well lucky for you I have a couple suggestions. :)  


Price >  $88

Price >  $52

All her things a really high  priced so I didn't bother posting them but if you want the links just comment down bellow saying so then I'll give them :) 



Celest xx

PS. you may also like this post as it will link you to other clothing similar to Shays style :)


  1. Hi you recently commented on my blog about how I got my template, honestly all I did was Google free templates and downloaded it, they usually come with zip files with instructions on how to download it. Then I just made my blog logo on poly vore, screen shotted it, cropped it and saved as an image and uploaded it onto my blog. If you are considering changing your template and don't really know how, I'll be happy to help just email me at !

    Totto (aka Ellie)

    1. Thank you so much Ellie for letting me know. I'll keep that offer in mind if I come across any problems :)
