Wednesday, 20 July 2016

pep talk time // Positive Mind

For a long time thinking in a positive manner was quite difficult for me to do and even today I sometimes struggle with it the way majority of people do. Although for the past six months I’ve began to change the way I see things. 

I used to think it would be imposable, that the things people spoke about were just hollow words that they were speaking…until I myself put it to the test. 

I’m finding now I automatically focusing more on the positive things theta are happening even if it’s connected to a negative situation. I’ve stopped manifesting the world online and societal expectations, bring myself within the present time observing and experiencing more of the world around me. I’ve stopped imagining the life I want, and taken steps towards it. I’m not saying i’m completely there yet, i’m far from it, there are still a lot of things that need to be worked on and life lessons to learn. 

Sure when you hear about all this related stuff you tend to think it’s a bunch of crap….but is it really that hard to believe that ten minute in the morning meditating can stop your anger and irritation? That there is more to life then just judging people, what ever happened to the quote “don’t judge a book by its cover”, has it really been something so difficult to remember and learn from? 

Now I really want to challenge myself and the society that has been morphed. I want to have a conversation, an actual conversation with a strange. One not just filled with 

“How is your day”
“Good how about yours”
“Not too bad” 

Its robotic and hollow and I want to go further despite how hard it will be especially considering I’m not one to open up and talk to people I meat for the first time….but I’m willing to change that. 

If you guys are interested in learning things relating to these topics. Meditating, positivity, manifestation and get more of an indication to what the hell I was talking about go to these two YouTubers…Though for some videos you may need to keep an open mind.    

YouTubers: Koi Fresco // Rochelle Fox

Celest xo

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